Equestrian Clinics & Instruction
Yara Balba Stables offers instruction to riders with their own horses and at the moment has a small number of riding horses available for lessons. We hold regular, specialist, equestrian clinics and training activities most months. We run accredited programmed, riding lessons at our boutique equestrian facilities in Mandalong (just off the M1 Freeway near Morisset NSW). Contact us for the latest info.
Proudly, Yara Balba Stables was one of Pony Club Australia’s Foundation Accredited Riding Centres, delivering the new PCA World Renown Equitation Science based Syllabus (2020). Yara Balba Stables is also a Nationally Accredited Delivery Centre for the combined Equestrian Australia, Australian Sports Commission and PCANSW “Ready Set Trot” and “Trot Canter Gallop” innovative learn to ride programs. For more info, go to:
www.readysettrot.com or
Our covered arena keeps us dry or out of the sun when required and can also cater to social riding groups as well (see Equestrian Facilities).
As an Accredited Delivery Centre, Yara Balba Stables runs the PCA Centre Rider World Renown Syllabus of instruction, based upon Equitation Science and 80 years of Pony Club History in Australia. Our Instructors are NCAS (EA Level 1 General) Equestrian Australia qualified and PCANSW (Level 1 & Preliminary) accredited, with training qualifications in Working Equitation, Jumping Equitation, plus skills in Dressage, Flat Work, Sporting, Mounted Games, Working Equitation, Cross Country Skills and more.
All coaches are qualified and accredited, have current Working With Children Check Certificates and have current 1st Aid Certificates. Guest Coaches are also invited to run and facilitate clinics.
Age and Weight restrictions apply to All riders.
We do not cater for casual riders nor do casual trail rides.
Yara Balba Stables has a covered arena and stable complex, with viewing deck for spectators. This riding and teaching complex were opened in December 2015 and complies with current Australian Workplace Health & Safety Standards. Facilities also include a full show-jumping course in an enclosed paddock, 500m trotting track/ track riding course and large flat work areas, 20m x 60m covered arena, cross country course (under development) and access to quiet, traffic free bush tracks with fabulous views of Lake Macquarie and the Watagan Mountains.
Email yarabalbastables@gmail.com